Introducing the Lavish Love Bouquet, the crowning jewel of our flower collection. As the largest bouquet we offer, it is a true testament to luxury and romance. This stunning arrangement is thoughtfully crafted with the most exquisite blush and pure white blooms with gold accents, creating a breathtaking vision of love in floral form. Luscious roses mix with clouds of hydrangeas, their opulent petals unfolding in delicate gradations of color, from the faintest hint of pink to the deepest blush. Accents of the delicate golden anthuriums are interlaced throughout, their pristine beauty symbolizing the purity of love. Each flower is selected for its beauty and freshness, ensuring that the bouquet will not only dazzle upon arrival but continue to radiate beauty for days to come.
Exclusive to Nectar Flowers Ottawa - the Lavish Love Bouquet is more than a gift; it is an unforgettable experience that captures the essence of romance in a way that words cannot express.
Stunning roses, garden hydrangeas, tropical anthuriums, long-lasting dianthus and alstroemeria as well as romantic spray roses and a variety of other gorgeous blooms arrive perfectly arranged with Italian greenery and dry décor
Premium wrapping is included
The bouquet is delivered with a technical source of water to ensure maximum hydration at all times
The bouquet is available in one size: pictured
Attn: a very heavy bouquet!
More Info
Free Ottawa Flower Delivery if you order online
Complimentary card message included
Exquisite wrapping - we are the only one in town using paper and materials brought directly from France
Delivered with the water source
The bouquet is available in one size: pictured
Attn: a very heavy bouquet!
You can keep the wrapping, as long as the bottom of the stems are visible
Place flowers far from sunlight, heat sources, fruits, and electronic devices - Choose a cool spot with good air circulation
Add cool water every day
Remove the stems that are pass their blooming point and enjoy the rest! ♥