All shades of lavender, purple, violet and marsala! Perfect way to start a magical morning - this bouquet is a filled with vibrant blooms and gentle fragrance.
Purple morning bouquet is available in three sizes: Regular (pictured), Deluxe and Premium.
Fresh cut assortment of garden flowers (gorgeous hydrangea, selected roses, vibrant mums, delicate lisianthus, fragrant mathiola etc.) in all the shades of purple and lavender arrive perfectly arranged with Italian greenery
Purple Morning Bouquet is delivered with a technical source of water to ensure maximum hydration at all times
More info
You can add a vase if you wish the flowers to be delivered with the vase in the cart section (available after the product was added to the cart)
Complimentary card message is included
Free Flower Delivery (Same day flower delivery too!) for Ottawa and Gatineau areas if you place the order online
You can keep the wrapping, as long as the bottom of the stems are visible
Trim stems (for a bouquet)
Place flowers far from sunlight, heat sources, fruits, and electronic devices - Choose a cool spot with good air circulation
Trim the stems and change water every day
Remove the stems that are pass their blooming point and enjoy the rest! ♥